
Geochemical analyses enable a wide range of questions to be addressed. Rocks, for example, can be clearly assigned on the basis of their geochemistry and their formation can be understood. For raw material exploration, geochemical anomalies in soils or stream sediments are specifically searched for. For an economic evaluation, the content of the respective valuable elements must be determined in numerous samples. Concepts for the remediation of contaminated sites are based on an areal determination of the concentration of a contaminant element both as a whole and of the readily available fraction.

We analyse both major and trace element contents in solid samples (rock, ore, soil, materials, mineral or metallic waste) as a whole or after partial leaching. Alternatively, we determine geochemistry directly on powdered samples or on fused tablets using X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) or after acid digestion using ICP-MS/-OES. We can also analyse the Fe(II) content of your sample by titration. Carbon and sulphur content are also determined on the powder using an element analyser.

We will be pleased to advise you in order to determine the appropriate analyses for your problem.



Element spectrum


X-ray fluorescence (XRF), angle dispersive,

melting tablet

main elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Al, Si, Fe, Mn, Ti, P), loss on ignition

S4 Explorer, Bruker AXS

X-ray fluorescence (XRF), energy dispersive

Melting tablet/powder bulk sample

main elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Al, Si, Fe, Mn, Ti, P)

div. trace elements

Epsilon 5, PANanlytical;

Epsilon 4, PANanlytical;

EDX 8000; Shimadzu

Carbon-sulfur analyzer (CSA)


CS-2000, ELTRA

Titration (Manganometry)


Dosimat 715, Metrohm

div. digestions

Major and trace elements

ICP-MS (X-Series 2, Thermo Fisher);
ICP-OES (Varian 715ES)