Welcome to the Laboratory for Environmental and Raw Materials Analysis (LERA)
In our laboratory we perform chemical and physical analyses of mineral and metallic solid samples (soil, rocks, ores, synthetic materials), plants, water and fluids.
In addition to the concentration of major and trace elements, we also determine stable isotopes and perform qualitative and quantitative mineral analyses.
In addition, we offer mobile systems for in-situ and online determination of physical, chemical and biological parameters in waters.
If you are interested, we would be pleased to advise you on our services.


- Dr. Elisabeth Eiche – Laborleitung, Bereich (Nass-)Chemie und Massenspektrometrie
(elisabeth.eiche∂kit.edu, Tel.: 0721-608 43327)
- PD Dr. Kirsten Drüppel – Laborleitung, Bereich Röntgenanalytik und mikroskopische Verfahren
(kirsten.drueppel∂kit.edu, Tel.: 0721-608 43326)
- Prof. Dr. Jochen Kolb – Angebote - Externe Aufträge
(jochen.kolb∂kit.edu, Tel.: 0721-608 47356)